Daily Kos: A Plea to the United States and Canada from Fitzwalkerstan

In any other place on Earth, the actions undertaken by Scott Walker and the Fitzgerald crime family in the past few months would be called a military coup.
Walker has command over the Wisconsin National Guard, and with no provocation of any kind threatened to call them out to attack and intimidate his own people. The state legislature is controlled by one family, two brothers who report directly to the governor, effectively neutering an entire branch of government. Walker gained control of the State Patrol by appointing an unqualified puppet as its chief (another Fitzgerald, no less, who reports to nobody except Walker.) Walker, through his puppet, has co-opted the services of the patrol to form his own bloated private security detail and to illegally and forcefully remove peaceful protestors from public property.
The Capitol building is essentially closed to the people in violation of a court order and in violation of the state's Constitution. Laws are passed in the middle of the night with stealth 17-second votes, and by hastily arranged committees meeting in closed rooms with no public notice.
Today, Walker and the Fitzgeralds either bribed or threatened the bureaucrats of the Legislative Reference Bureau into publishing Walker's illegally passed and unconstitutional union-busting bill. They simply side-stepped the constitutionally elected Secretary of State and declared the bill to be the law, which they would enforce "as required." This despite a court order restraining them from publishing it and a letter from the Secretary of State to the Legislative Reference Bureau not to publish it without further instructions from him and the courts.
To recap, they control two branches of government and a majority of the Supreme Court, and they simply ignore any judge or any law they disagree with.
Checks and balances? There are none.
Walker's administration, through the Wisconsin GOP, is even harrassing a respected University of Wisconsin professor who dared to publish an article exposing a shadowy political action committee that writes boiler-plate laws introduced by Republican state legislators all across North America.
They are going after labor unions and intellectuals, restricting the voting rights of any group they consider liberal (young people and racial minorities), restricting or eliminating medical care and food assistance to the poor, and usurping the power of local town boards and school boards to set and fund their own budgets to meet their own local needs.
They are consolidating the power to govern in one office and in the hands of one deranged, unstable man who has admitted that he considered inciting violence to discredit his opposition.
They are steering money away from public safety and environmental regulations, raising taxes on poor people, and giving the money to large corporations.
In any other part of the world, we would call this a military coup, a fascist dictatorship, or a terrorist-sponsored government. We would issue economic sanctions while offering humanitarian aid. We would galvanize international opinion against this regime. One thing we would not do is recognize the regime as legitimate and continue to give it money or other support beyond what is necessary for the health and safety of the people.
Why not here? Why not now? What is the difference between Fitzwalkerstan and other banana republics? Palm trees?
When is a neighboring country outside Fitzwalkerstan going to step up and put limits on this insane leader? When?

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